Mennonite Confession of Faith, 1963



The Mennonite Church, begun in Switzerland in 1525, was a part of the Reformation which attempted to restore the New Testament church. We conceive the church to be a body of regenerated believers, a fellowship of holy pilgrims baptized upon confession of faith in Christ. As committed believers we seek to follow the way of Christian love and nonresistance, and to live separate from the evil of the world. We earnestly endeavor to make Christian disciples of all the nations.

In its beliefs the Mennonite Church is bound ultimately to the Holy Scriptures, not to any human formulation of doctrine. We regard this present confession as a restatement of the Eighteen Articles adopted at Dordrecht in the Netherlands in 1632 and of the other statements adopted by our church. In this expression of our faith we sincerely accept the lordship of Jesus Christ and the full authority of the written Word of God, the Bible, and seek to promote the unity of the brotherhood, to safeguard sound doctrine and life, and to serve as a testimony to others.


于一五二五年,门诺教会在瑞士己是宗教改革的一部分,并且尝试去恢复新约的教会信仰。我们看教会是一个由重生信徒所组成的身体、 由天路客洗礼于基督信仰上的圣洁团契。我们是委身的信徒,立志去跟从基督走爱心和不报复的道路,并且在生活上与这罪恶世界分离。 我们忠诚和努力地去使万民作基督的门徒。

这份门诺教会信仰绝非任何人的教义条文,乃完全是出自圣经根椐。我们确知现行这个佥言乃取自一六三二年在荷兰多哲的十八条款和 我们教会从其他记载中摘取的重声明。在我们这个信仰的表达里,我们真诚地接纳耶稣基督是主和圣经乃神话语的全部权威、也寻求推 展弟兄间的合一、保守完整的教义和生活、并且以服侍他人为见证。

Scriptures cited after each article are representative, but not exhaustive.


Article 1. God and His Attributes

We believe in almighty God, the eternal Spirit who is infinite in His attributes of holiness, love, righteousness, truth, power, goodness, and mercy. This one and only God has revealed Himself as existing eternally as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

条款一. 神与他的属信

我们相信全能真神,永生的灵无限地彰显出他那圣洁、爱心、公义、真实、能力、良善、和怜悯的属性。这位独一的神启示他自己是永远存在于圣父、 圣子、和圣灵中。

The Father

We believe that God is the Creator of all things, a God of providence, and the Author of our salvation through Christ. Although He is too great to be comprehended by the human mind, through Christ we can truly know Him. In redeeming love He entered into a covenant relationship with Abraham, later with the people of Israel, and has now made through Christ an eternal covenant in which He offers to the human race the forgiveness of sins and the blessings of divine sonship to those who will repent and believe.


我们相信的神是万物的创造主、供应需要的神、也是叫我们藉基督承受救恩的始创者。虽然他的伟大过于人类思想所能测透,但藉着基督我们确可以认识他。 在拯救的爱里,神进入亚伯拉罕的关系中,其后也与以色列人立约,现在更藉基督成就永约给那些愿意悔改和相信的人,使他们获得罪赦及称为神儿子的福气。

The Son

We believe in Jesus Christ the divine Son of God, who was with the Father from all eternity, who for our salvation took upon Himself human nature, and who by His redemptive death and resurrection conquered the forces of sin and Satan and atoned for the sins of mankind. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, and in God's redemptive purpose was crucified. He rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and now as Lord and Christ at the right hand of the Father intercedes for the saints. He is the Lord and Saviour of all Christian believers, and the coming judge of the living and the dead. We believe in His full deity and full humanity according to the Scriptures.


我们相信神的儿子基督耶稣,他曾与圣父同在永生里,但为成就我们的救恩而取了人的样子,并藉他救赎的死和复活得胜撒旦和罪恶的权势,成就了救赎人类罪恶的功劳。 他从圣灵感孕,由童女马利亚所生,活出一个无罪生命,並因神的,救赎计划而被钉十字架。他却从死里复活升天,现今坐在父神的右边为众圣徒代求。他是全体基督徒的 救主和主,并要再来审判活人和死人。根据圣经我们相信他的纯全神性和人性。

The Holy Spirit

We believe in the Holy Spirit, who was sent by the Father and the Son to bring to individuals the redemption of Christ. We believe in His personality as set forth in the Scriptures: that He loves, searches, testifies, guides, empowers, and intercedes for the saints.



Deuteronomy 6:4, 5; Matthew 22:37; John 1:18; John 3:16; Romans 8:1-17; 2 Corinthians 13:14; 1 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 11:6.

民数记六章四、五节;马太福音廿二章三十七节;约翰福音一章十八节;三章十六节;罗马书八章一至十七节;哥林多后书十三章十四节;提摩太前书三章十六节; 希伯来书十六章六节。

Article 2. Divine Revelation

We believe that the God of creation and redemption has revealed Himself and His will for men in the Holy Scriptures, and supremely and finally in His incarnate Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. God's purpose in this revelation is the salvation of all men. Although God's power and deity are revealed in His creation, so that the nations are without excuse, this knowledge of Him cannot save men, for it cannot make Christ known. God revealed Himself in saving word and deed to Israel as recorded in the Old Testament; He fulfilled this revelation of Himself in the word and deed of Christ as recorded in the New Testament. We believe that all Scripture is given by the inspiration of God, that men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. We accept the Scriptures as the authoritative Word of God, and through the Holy Spirit as the infallible Guide to lead men to faith in Christ and to guide them in the life of Christian discipleship.

We believe that the Old Testament and the New Testament together constitute the Word of God, that the Old Covenant was preparatory, that its institutions were temporary in character, and that the New Covenant in Christ is the fulfillment of the Old. We believe that the Old Testament writings are inspired and profitable, and as the divine word of promise are to be interpreted in conjunction with the divine act of fulfillment recorded in the New. Christian doctrine and practice are based upon the whole Word of God, the word of promise of the Old Covenant as fulfilled in the New.

The message of the Bible points to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is to Him that the Scriptures of the Old Testament bear witness, and He is the One whom the Scriptures of the New Testament proclaim. He is the key to the proper understanding of the entire Bible.

条款二. 神圣启示

我们相信那位创造和救赎的神在圣经中启示他自己和他对人的计划,尤其是以他道成肉身的儿子耶稣基督为至终的启示对象。神启示的目标乃在于对全人类的救恩。 虽然神的能力与权能在他的创造中己显明出来,叫万国万民无可推诿,但由于基督还未被人知晓故单单这些对神的知识断不能拯救人。在旧约记载中,神曾向以色列 人启示他拯救的话语和行动;在新约记载里,他藉耶稣基督的说话和行动来应验有关他自己的启示。我们相信整本圣经乃是神的默示,就是人被圣灵感动说出神的话来。 我们接受圣经是神权柄的道,藉着圣灵无谬误的指示去引领人信靠基督和过基督门徒的生活。

我们相信神的话语由新、旧约组成,旧约乃是预备阶段,所有制度都是暂时性质,而新约在基督里就是旧约的应验。我们相信旧约作品是神的默示,能使人得益处;并且, 旧约的应许与新约的应验在解释神的作为上本是连接不断的。同理,基督教义与实践两者间的关系应该建立在神全部的话语上就如旧约的应许需要在新约中应验一样。


Psalm 19; Luke 24:27, 44; John 1:1-16; John 20:31; Romans 1:19, 20; 2 Timothy 3:15, 16; Hebrews 1:1, 2; Hebrews 8:6, 7; 1 John 1:1-5.

诗篇十九篇;路加福音廿四章廿七、四十四节;约翰福音一,章一至十六;二十章三十一节;罗马书一章十九节,廿节;约翰一书一章一至五节;提摩太前书三章十五节、十六节; 希伯来书一章一、二节;八章六、七节。

Article 3. God's Creation and Providence

We believe that in the beginning God created all things by His Son, and that all existence is therefore finite and dependent upon God, the Source and End of all things visible and invisible. He created man in His own image, which set man apart from the animal creation. In free will, moral character, superior intellect, and spiritual nature, man bore the image of his Creator.

In His providence God is concerned with the lives of His children, and in everything works for their eternal good. He hears and answers their prayers. By Jesus Christ He upholds the entire creation. He is Sovereign over all things, but He is not the author of sin. He has endowed man with the power of self-determination, and He holds him responsible for his moral choices.

条款三. 神的创造和护佑

我们相信从起初神藉他儿子创造万物,以至所有存在物皆有限和需,要倚靠神,因为他是万有的源头和所有看见或看不见之物的终结。他按着自己的形象造人, 使人与其他动物的创造有别。从自由意志、道德性情、超然智慧、和属灵本性,等多方面己显示出人是领受了他的造物主本有之形象。

神关怀他儿女的生活,常置他们于护佑之下,且每件事情发生都着意于他们永恒的好处。他垂听和回答儿女们祷告。藉着耶稣基督他抬举全体被造物。 他是万有的营治者,但却没有创造罪恶。他赐于人有自我决断的能力,故此也要人负上道徳上的责任。

Genesis1:1, 26, 27; Psalm 139:7-12; Matthew 10:29; John 1:3; Romans 8:28; Colossians 1:16, 17; James 5:16.

创世记一章廿六、廿七节;马太福音十章廿九节;诗篇一三九篇七至十二节;雅各书五章十六节; 约翰福音一章三节;罗马书八章廿八节;歌罗西书一章十六、十七节。

Article 4. Man and His Sin

We believe that God created man sinless and holy, and subjected man to a moral test as a means of bringing him to full spiritual maturity. Man yielded, however, to the temptation of Satan and by willful disobedience to God failed to maintain that holy condition in which he had been created. This sin brought depravity and death to the race, Although men are sinners by nature because of Adam's fall, they are not guilty of his sin. Those who perish eternally do so only because of their own sin. The most grievous sin is the stubborn refusal to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. As a fallen creature man is self-centered, self-willed, rebellious toward God, unwilling to yield to Christ, unable to break with sin, and under divine judgment.

We believe that children are born with a nature which will manifest itself as sinful as they mature. When they come to know themselves to be responsible to God, they must repent and believe in Christ in order to be saved. Before the age when children are accountable to God, their sins are atoned for through the sacrifice of Christ. Jesus Himself assured us that children are in the kingdom of God.

条款四. 人与他的罪

我们相信神造的人原是无罪和圣洁的,並且给了人一个道德之试验,藉此让人进入灵性完全成熟的地步。无奈人因撒旦引诱和封神意志上,的违背, 以至无法维持他被造时的圣洁情况。这罪将,全人类带入腐败和死亡的深渊。虽然人因亚当墮落而遗传罪人的本性,但却不担当亚当一的罪。最可悲的罪乃是人 类硬拒绝承认耶稣基督是救主和主。一个墮落的人是何等自我为中心、自我思想、叛逆神、不承认基督、无能力扺挡罪恶、和活在神审判之下。

我们相信,孩童遗传着罪性,並且这犯罪倾向会随着他们的成长而越溢显露。当他们到明白自己要向神负责的时候,就必须要悔改並相信基督以至于得救。 在孩童还未晓得向神负责之先,他们的罪己借基督的牺牲而被救赎。因基督己给我们保证孩童是在神的国里。

Genesis 1:27, 31; Genesis 3:1-19; Matthew 18:1-14; Luke 18:16; Romans 5:12-21; Ephesians 2:1-3; 1 Timothy 4:10.

创世记一章廿七、三十一;三章一至十九节;马太福音十八章一至十四节;路加福音十八章十六节;罗马书五章,,十二至廿一节; 以弗所书二章一至三节;提摩太前书四章十节。

Article 5. Christ, the Saviour from Sin

We believe that there is one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus. The purpose of the incarnation of God's eternal Son was to redeem men from sin and death, to destroy the power and works of the devil, and to reconcile men to God. As a prophet, the Lord Jesus not only proclaimed God's Word; He was in His very person the Word of God. As a priest, He Himself was the sacrifice for sin, and now makes intercession with the Father for the saints. As our risen Lord and King He is vested with all authority in heaven and on earth.

In His life the Lord Jesus demonstrated perfectly the will of God. Although tempted in all points as we are, yet He never sinned. Through the shedding of His blood He inaugurated the New Covenant, broke the power of sin for those who exercise faith in Him, and triumphed over Satan. By His resurrection from the dead, Christ accomplished the full justification of those who believe in Him. By faith each believer is united with the risen and glorified Christ, the Lord of glory.

条款五. 基督,罪人的救主

我们相信在人和神中间有一位中保,那就是耶稣基督。神,永生儿子道成肉身的目的是要将人从罪恶和死亡中拯救出来、粉碎魔鬼的能力和工作、 并且使人与神和好。从先,知的角度来看,他自己亲身成为赎,罪祭,现在父神那里不断为众圣徒代求。从复活的,主和,君王方面来说,天上地下所有的权柄, 都赐给他了。

主耶稣在地的生活己完全印证了神的旨意。虽然他曾像我们凡事受过试探,只是他没有犯罪。藉着所流出的宝血,他设立了新约,为那些对他持守信心。 的人打破了罪的权势并向撒旦夸胜。基督因从死里复活,使信他的人得胜为义,并且,每一个信徒皆憑信与这位荣耀的主联合。

Luke 19:10; John 1:1; Acts 2:33; Romans 5:11; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Colossians 2:15; 1 Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 2:14, 15; Hebrews 4:15; 7:11.

路加福音十九章十节; 约翰福音一章一节;使徒行传二章,三十三节; 罗马书五章十一节; 哥林多后书五章二十一节; 哥罗西书二章十五节; 提摩太前书二章五节; 希伯来书二章十四、十五节;四章,十五节;七章十一节。

Article 6. Salvation by Grace through Faith

We believe that men are saved, not by character, law, good works, or ceremonies, but by the grace of God. The merits of the death and resurrection of Christ are adequate for the salvation of all men, are offered to all, and are intended for all. Salvation is appropriated by faith in Christ. From all eternity God knew who would be the believers in Christ, and these persons foreknown as believers are elect according to the foreknowledge of God. Those who repent and believe in Christ as Saviour and Lord receive the gift of righteousness, are born again, and are adopted into the family of God. Saving faith involves the giving of the self to Christ, a full surrender of the will, a confident trust in Him, a joyful obedience to His Word as a faithful disciple, and an attitude of love to all men. It is the privilege of every believer to have the assurance of salvation. The God who saves is also able to keep each believer unto a happy end in Christ. As long as the believer lives, he stands in need of the forgiveness, cleansing, and grace of Christ.

条款六. 藉恩及信的救恩

我们相信人得救,不是由于品格,律法,好功德,好礼仪、乃因神的恩典。耶稣基督从死里复活的功劳正合宜作全人类的救恩,也是为所,有人准备和献呈的。 救恩是在乎于,人在基督里的信靠。从永远到永远,神知道谁会在基督里信靠他,这些被预知为信徒的人是根据神的预知而被拣选。那些,悔改相信基督为救主和主的, 也必然获得称义的恩赐、重生、和成,为神家里的人。很明显,得救的信心是涉及到将自己献与基督、完全降伏于神的旨意、有信心信靠他、作忠信门徒並以喜乐顺服他 的道、与及有一个能爱所有人的态度。事实上,得,到救恩确据是每个信徒的权利。而那位拯救人的神,确能保守每个信徒得以成全在基督里。因此,在信徒有生之日, 他不断地需要在基督里的宽恕、洁净、和恩典。

John 3:16; John 10:27-29; Romans 4; Ephesians 2:8-10; 1 Peter 1:2; 1 John 1:8-10; 1 John 5:13; Jude 24.


Article 7. The Holy Spirit and the Christian Life

We believe that Christ as Lord and Saviour does His work through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin. Through the Holy Spirit those who believe are born again. The supreme ministry of the Spirit is to lead men to Christ and His salvation. As Christians yield to Christ and obey His Word, the Holy Spirit transforms them into the spiritual image of Jesus Christ, and enables perseverance in faith and holiness. He empowers them as effective witnesses to Christ and His salvation, fills their hearts with love for all men, and moves them to practice Christian discipleship. The Holy Spirit bestows upon each believer such gifts as He wills for the building up of the body of Christ. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is God's seal of ownership of the Christian believer. He is God's guarantee that He will also redeem the bodies of believers on the day of Christ.

条款七. 圣灵与基督徒生活

我们相信基督是主和救主,他借着圣灵工作。圣灵能使人知罪。那些相信的人是因圣灵而重生。故此圣灵最主要的工作室引领人归向基督和他的救恩。 当基督徒顺从基督和遵行他的话,圣灵便改变他们成为耶稣基督的属灵形象,并保守他们在信心和圣洁中。他使他们有能力成为基督和救恩的见证、 充满爱众人的心、也感动他们时间作基督门徒。圣灵按己意赏给每个信徒不同恩赐去建立基督的身体。而圣灵内住信徒心中是表明了属神的印记。 他是神给我们得基业的凭据并且在基督的日子叫信徒身体得赎。

John 16:7-15; Acts 1:8; Acts 2:1-21; 1 Corinthians 3:16, 17; 1 Corinthians 6:19; 1 Corinthians 12:11-13; 1 Corinthians 12-14; Galatians 5:22-24; Ephesians 1:13, 14; Ephesians 5:30.

约翰福音十六章七至十五节;使徒行传一章八节;二章一至二十一节;哥林多前书三章十六、十七节;六章十九节;十二章十一至十三节;哥林多前书十二至十四章; 加拉太书五章二十二至二十四章;以弗所书一章十三、十四节;五章三十节。

Article 8. The Church of Christ

条款八. 基督的教会


We believe that God's redemptive work in history has led to the establishment of the Christian church. Christ established His church when He poured out His Spirit on the day of Pentecost. In preparation for this church He entered into covenant relationships with Abraham and his seed. Today the spiritual "seed of Abraham" are those who have faith in Christ, the people of God, the body of Christ, composed of believers from all races and nations. The church is the fellowship of those who are in the kingdom of Christ, the assembly of those who believe in Him, the brotherhood of the saints. The church is corporately the dwelling place of God in the Spirit, His holy temple. It is the visible body of those who are Christian disciples. Membership in the church is dependent upon a voluntary response to God's offer of salvation in Christ.

The primary unit of the church is the local assembly of believers. It is in the congregation that the work of teaching, witnessing, and disciplining is carried on. In order to maintain the unity of the church it is Scriptural and profitable for congregational representatives to meet together in conferences. The concern for the welfare of the whole church calls for Spirit-led conferences to assist local congregations in maintaining Biblical standards of faith, conduct, stewardship, and missions. The decisions of such conferences should be respected by the individual congregations and members.


我们相信神在历史中的救赎工作引导基督教会的确立。在五旬节的日子,因基督的灵,普降而建立他的教诲。为了预备教会,基督甚至进入神与亚伯拉罕和他 后裔立约的关系中。今天属灵“亚伯拉罕身的子孙”是指在各民族中那些在基督里有信心、属神的子民、属基督身体的信徒。教会是那些在基督国度里的团契、 是相信主之人的机会、是圣徒间的弟兄生活。教会是神的灵组成的居所、是圣洁的殿宇。这是指那些基督徒可见的身体。教会会籍是在于人堆神在基督里提供 的救恩所作出之自主回应。

教会的基本单位是当地信徒的集会。这是指在会众中不断进行教导、见证和作门徒的工作。为了维系教会合一,会众代表宜于会议中一起见面,这是在有益和 合圣经教导。为了顾及全教会好处而由圣灵引带所召开的会议,目的是要帮助本土教会的信仰、行为、管制和宣教上维持圣经的标准。每个这样的会议所作的 决定应该受到个别会众和会员所尊重。


It is the function of the church to demonstrate to the world the will of God, to witness to all men of the saving power and intention of God in Christ, and to make disciples of all the nations. The church seeks to lead all men to the obedience of faith. Believers unite in the church for instruction and nurture, for worship, for inclusion in the witnessing and evangelizing body of Christ, for the observance of the ordinances, for Christian fellowship, and for the discipline of the Word and the Spirit of God. The Spirit leads the church to discover the gifts which He has bestowed upon the members for the building up of the body. The church has the obligation to speak authoritatively on God's will. It shall listen to the Word of God and obey it in the moral and spiritual conflicts of each era of history.

The church is called to be a brotherhood under the lordship of Jesus Christ, a loving fellowship of brethren and sisters who are concerned for the total welfare, both spiritual and material, of one another. This concern results in the attempt to help the erring brother find the right path; it includes sharing generously both financial aid and the word of encouragement, and a willingness to give and receive counsel.


教会的功用是向全世界证明神的旨意如何、向人见证救恩的能力与神在基督里的心意、及在各民族人中使人做主的门徒。教会要设法引领人们信心的顺服。 在教会中信徒以陪灵和教导、崇拜、见证与传扬基督、遵守圣礼、圣徒团契、并神的灵和真理的管制作联系。圣灵会引导教会去发现他所赐下信徒所建立基督身体的恩赐。 然而,教会的责任是有权柄地宣扬讲神的旨意。在每个时代的道德,和属灵冲突之下,他仍需要聆听神的话语和顺从他。

教会乃蒙召在基督耶稣里成为弟兄的关系,是一个弟兄姐妹爱的团契,他应彼此关怀属灵和属物质两者之间全面的益处。这包括了尝试帮助犯错的弟兄找回正路; 也包括彼此慷慨地分享经济上的援助和鼓励,与及有乐意的心去接受和施与辅导。


We believe that the Lord Jesus has given authority to His church to exercise discipline. The purposes of discipline are to lead each member to full stature in Christ, to restore to full fellowship the members who fall into sin, to clarify for all members the meaning of Christian discipleship, to promote the purity of the church, to warn the weak and immature of the serious character of sin and disobedience to God's Word, and to maintain the good name and witness of the church before the world. In this work the church employs public teaching, private counseling, intercessory prayer, earnest warning and rebuke, and sympathetic encouragement. If disobedience persists, the church may withhold the right to commune until the individual repents. And the church must, with a deep sense of loss, recognize that the one who goes on to full apostasy and spiritual ruin has severed his relation with Christ and His body. The standard in church discipline is the Word of God as interpreted by the brotherhood. The entire congregation should share in the work of discipline and seek earnestly to win the fallen member.


我们相信主耶稣给予教会权柄去实施管制。管制的目的是引导每一成员长成基督的身量、使那曾在罪中失落的成员得以恢复全面的交往、让全体成员明了基督徒管制的意义, 推广教会的纯净,警告那些不顺服神的话语及有严重犯罪性格,软弱和不成熟的人,并且在世界面前使教会保持有好名声和见证。在这工作里,教会使用公开教导,私下 辅导,不断祷告,忠诚警告和责备,与及同情的鼓励,倘若仍继续不顺从,教会可以停止他的圣餐直至他个人的悔。于此,教会必须认识到那完全叛道和灵性破毁的人已与 基督和他的身体断绝关系,这失落的感觉是何等深!佳慧管制的标准是从弟兄生活对神话语的诠释而来。全体会众应分担管制的工作和忠诚地寻找可得回那失落成员之 可能性!

Ceremonies and Practices

The Lord Jesus and His apostles instituted ordinances for the church to observe permanently as symbols of Christian truths. The apostolic church literally observed them. Among these are baptism with water, the communion of the Lord's Supper, the washing of the saints' feet, the holy kiss, the laying-on of hands in ordination, the veiling of Christian women, the anointing of the sick with oil, and the institution of Christian marriage. When the church observes ordinances as expressions of a heart of faith, divine blessings are received, and a Christian witness is given.

Since the Lord Jesus arose from the dead on the first day of the week, the Christian church, following apostolic precedent, observes the first day of each week in memory of the Lord's resurrection.


主耶稣和他的使徒曾定制了象征基督真理的圣礼让教会长久地遵守,而使徒教会亦字面地遵从。这些圣礼有水的洗礼,主的晚餐,洗圣徒脚,圣洁亲嘴,受职案首,基督妇女蒙头, 病人膏油和基督徒婚礼。当教会籍遵守圣礼表达心里的信心时,则会得到神的祝福和基督徒的见证。


The Church and Healing

We believe that the church should exercise a ministry of prayer for those who are in need. Prayer for the sick may be accompanied by a symbolic anointing with oil by the elders of the church. In response to the prayer of faith, and in accordance with His will, God heals in various ways, through the use of the healing arts, or by direct intervention. When healing does not occur, we believe that God's grace is sufficient. The full redemption of the body will come only at the return of Christ.


我们相信教会应负担那些需要的人代求。教会的长老可以在替病人祷告的时候伴随着膏油的记号。神会按照他的之一来回应信心的祷告,神的医治是在多方面的,有时会使用医疗技术, 或是直接的参与。当没有发生医治的果效时,我们仍相信神的恩典足够使用。至于身体的完全得赎只有等待主耶稣的再来。

Exodus 2:24; 24:8; Matthew 5:13, 14, 23, 24; Matthew 18:15-18; Matthew 28:19, 20; Acts 15; 1 Corinthians 3:16, 17; 1 Corinthians 5:11-13; 2 Corinthians 2:6-11; 2 Corinthians 3:2; 2 Corinthians 12:9; Galatians 3:6-9; Galatians 6:1; Ephesians 2:11-22;Ephesians 4:13; 1 Timothy 5:20; James 2:14-17; James 5:14-16; 1 Peter 2:9.

出埃及纪二章二十四节;二十四章八节;使徒行传十五章;马太福音五章十三节,十四节,二十三节,二十四节;十八章十五至十八节;二十八章十九节,二十节;哥多林前书三章十六节, 十七节;五章十一至十三节;哥林多后书二章六至十一节;三章二节;十二章九节;加拉太书三章六至九节;六章一节;彼得前书二章九节;以弗所书二章十一至二十二节; 四章十三节;雅各书二章十四至十七节;五章十四至十六节;提摩太前书五章二十节。

Article 9. The Mission of the Church to Society

We believe that Christ has commissioned the church to go into all the world and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them, and teaching them to observe His commandments. Jesus entrusted to the church the stewardship of the Gospel, and promised the power of the Holy Spirit for the work of evangelism and missions. This ministry of reconciliation is inherent in the very nature of the church. The church is interested not only in the spiritual welfare of men but in their total wellbeing. Jesus Himself fed the hungry, healed the sick, and had compassion on the poor. The church should likewise minister to those who are in physical or social need and to those who are physically or emotionally ill. The church should witness against racial discrimination, economic injustice, and all forms of human slavery and moral degradation.

条款九. 教会对社区的宣教

我们相信基督差遣教会到全世界去使万民作他的门徒,给他们施洗及教训他们遵守主的命令。耶稣委托了教会作福音的管家,并且应许以圣灵的能力去完成传福音和宣教的工作。 这种使人与神和好的工作乃教会与生俱来的本质。教会不单有兴趣与人属灵的好处,更应顾及全人的利益。耶稣自己曾喂饱饥饿的,医治患病的,和怜悯贫穷的。同样, 教会应服侍那些在身体和社会上有需要的人,与及那些在身体或情绪上有病患的人。教会应作见证反对种族歧视,经济不公平和所有形式对人类的奴役和道德沦落。

Amos 5:21-24; Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 6:56; Romans 1:16; Romans 8:23.


Article 10. The Ministers of the Church

We believe that it is the intention of Christ that there should be shepherds in His congregations to feed the flock, to serve as leaders, to expound the Word of God, to administer the ordinances, to exercise, in co-operation with the congregation, a Scriptural church discipline, and in general to function as servants of the church. Ordination is accompanied by a laying-on of hands, symbolic of the church assigning responsibility and of God imparting strength for the assignment. In addition to the primary office of apostle, in the New Testament church there were such gifts as prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. The early church had regional overseers such as Timothy, and bishops (pastors) and deacons in the local congregations. Upon the pastors lay the responsibility for the leadership and pastoral care of the congregations, and the deacons served as their helpers. In each era of the life of the church , Christ through His Spirit seeks to lead the church to adapt its organization to the needs of time and place. The church is a brotherhood, and its organizational structure should insure the full participation of the members with their spiritual gifts in its life and discipline. It is the duty of the church to give financial support to those whom it asks to serve as evangelists, pastors, and teachers.

条款十. 教会中的牧师

我们相信基督的心意是要教会有牧师在他的会众里牧养群羊,作领袖服侍,解释神的话语,施行圣礼,训练,与会众合作,以圣经为本行教会管制,与及在通常情况下作教会的仆人。 按立牧职常伴有按手礼,这是象征教会委以责任与及神授与能力去完成职务。在新约教会中除了主要有使徒职任外,还有先知,传福音的,牧师和教师等恩赐。在早期教会 有像提摩太那样的地方监督,并有主教(牧师)和执事在本土会众里。牧师,监督等责任是在会众中作领袖和教牧关顾,而执事则作他服侍的帮手。在每个时代教会生活里, 基督皆借着他的灵寻索和引领教会组织去适应地方和时间的需要。教会乃弟兄生活,其组织结构应保证会员可以完全使用它们的属灵恩赐去参与教会生活和管制。教会有责 任给予那些请求做传福音,牧师,和教师的经济支持。

Matthew 23:8; Matthew 28:19; Acts 15:6; Acts 20:28; 1 Corinthians 5:4, 5; 1 Corinthians 9:14; Ephesians 4:11, 12; Philippians 1:1; 1 Timothy 3:1-13; 1 Timothy 4:14; 2 Timothy 4:12; Titus 1:5-9; Hebrews 13:17; 1 Peter 5:2, 3.

马太福音二十三章八节;二十八章十九节;使徒行传十五章六节;二十章二十八节;哥林多前书五章四、五节;九章十四节;以弗所书四章十一、十二节;腓立比书一章一节; 提摩太前书三章一至十三节;四章十四节;提摩太后书四章十二节;提多书一章五至九节;希伯来书十三章十七节;彼得前书五章二、三节。

Article 11. Christian Baptism

We believe in obeying the instruction of the Lord Jesus to baptize believers with water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. In order to qualify for baptism one must repent, turn to Christ in sincere faith, and accept Him as Lord. We regard water baptism as an ordinance of Christ which symbolizes the baptism of the Holy Spirit, divine cleansing from sin and its guilt, identification with Christ in His death and resurrection, and the commitment to follow Him in a life of faithful discipleship. Since baptism with the Holy Spirit is a pouring out, we generally practice pouring as our mode of water baptism.

条款十一. 基督徒洗礼

我们信服主耶稣的教导,奉父子圣灵的名用水给信徒施洗。那些受洗者的资格必须是悔改,以真诚信心归向基督,和接受他为主。我们认为洗礼是基督的圣礼,象征着圣灵的洗, 从罪犯和罪咎里得着神圣的洁净,确认为与主同死同复活,与及委身去跟从主过忠诚的门徒生活。鱿鱼圣灵的洗是浇灌下来的,所以通常我们以浇灌的方法来作洗礼的 仪式。

Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 2:16-21; Acts 22:16; Romans 6:4-6; 1 Corinthians 12:13; 1 Peter 3:21.


Article 12. The Lord's Supper

We believe in observing the communion of the Lord's Supper as an ordinance instituted by Jesus Christ to symbolize the New Covenant. We recognize the bread and the cup as symbols commemorating Christ's broken body and shed blood, of our spiritual life in Him, and of the spiritual unity and fellowship of the body of Christ. Each believer shall examine himself so as not to partake of the sacred emblems carelessly or while living in sin. The church shall invite to the Lord's table only those who have peace with God and with their fellow men, and who share the faith of the church. The Lord's Supper shall be observed faithfully until the Lord comes.

条款十二. 主的晚餐

我们相信守主餐乃耶稣基督定下象征新约的圣礼。我们承认饼和杯是象征纪念基督所擎开的身体和流出的血,也象征我们在他里面的属灵生命, 及基督身体里的属灵和一和团契。每个信徒应该省察自己,免得在不小心或仍活在罪中的情况下参与这神圣表记。教会应单邀请那些与神与人和好并分享教会信仰的 人共守主餐,并且守这餐直到等到主来。

Luke 22:19, 20; 1 Corinthians 5:13; 1 Corinthians 10:16, 17; 1 Corinthians 11:24, 26.


Article 13. Symbols of Christian Brotherhood

We believe in the observance of the washing of the saints' feet as an ordinance instituted by the Lord Jesus. By His example Christ rebuked the pride and rivalry of the apostles and showed them that Christian discipleship involves obedience to His lordship and loving service. This ordinance reminds us of the brotherhood character of the church, of our mutual duty to serve and admonish one another, and of our need for continuous cleansing in our daily walk. In the New Testament the holy kiss and the right hand of fellowship are also symbols of Christian love in the church of Christ.

条款十三. 基督徒弟兄的表记

我们相信主耶稣设立洗圣徒脚这个礼仪给门徒遵守。基督借自己的榜样去责备使门徒们的争竞和骄傲,并且指出基督门徒是要顺从他的主权和甘作爱心的服侍。 这个礼仪提醒我们教会有弟兄之情的特性,我们彼此有责任互相勉励和服侍,与及我们需要在每日生活中不断洁净。新约中,圣洁亲嘴和右手相交都是在教会中基督徒 相爱的象征。

Luke 22:24; John 13:1-17; Romans 16:16; Galatians 2:9; 1 Timothy 5:10.


Article 14. Symbols of Christian Order

We believe that in their relation to the Lord men and women are equal, for in Christ there is neither male nor female. But in the order of creation God has fitted man and woman for differing functions; man has been given a primary leadership role, while the woman is especially fitted for nurture and service. Being in Christ does not nullify these natural endowments, either in the home or in the church. The New Testament symbols of man's headship are to be his short hair and uncovered head while praying or prophesying, and the symbols of woman's role are her long hair and her veiled head. The acceptance by both men and women of the order of creation in no way limits their rightful freedom, but rather ensures their finding the respective roles in which they can most fruitfully and happily serve.

条款十四. 基督徒次序的表记

我们相信男人和女人与神的关系是平等,因为在基督里没有分男或女。然而,在神的创造力,男女有不同的功能:男人被赋予主要的带领角色,而女人则特别合适于养育和服侍。 无论于家庭或教会,这些才能在基督里绝不徒然。在新约里,男人头上的记号是短发,在祷告或说预言时并不蒙头,而作女人角色的记号却是她的长发和蒙头。至于接纳男 女的被造次序并没有限制他们的自由权利,反而是保证他们找到受尊敬的角式,以至他们能够快乐和有果效地事率。

Genesis 2:18-25; 1 Corinthians 11:2-16; Galatians 3:28


Article 15. Marriage and the Home

We believe that at the beginning of human history God instituted marriage. He ordained that a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and that the two shall become one in love and mutual submission. It is God's will that marriage be a holy state, monogamous, and for life. It is also fully acceptable to God to serve Christ unmarried. Marriage was instituted for the happiness of the husband and wife and for the procreation and Christian nurture of children. Christians shall marry only in the Lord, and for the sake of spiritual unity in the home they should become members of the same congregation. The Christian home ought regularly to have family worship, to seek faithfully to live according to the Word of God, and to support loyally the church in its mission. We believe it is appropriate for parents to pledge themselves to the faithful Christian nurture of their children.

条款十五. 婚姻与家庭

我们相信在人类的历史开始神就设立了婚姻。他指定人应该离开父母与妻子联合,以至二人在爱和相互顺服之下成为一体。神的之一是要使婚姻成为圣洁, 一夫一妻和终身厮守。然而若因为服事基督而不结婚,这也是神完全接纳的。设立婚姻的目的是为夫妻的快乐,与及为传宗接代和养育属基督的孩童。基督徒应该只 与主里面的人结婚,并且为了在家庭里属灵的合一,夫妇应同坐一堂会的会员。属基督的家庭需要有惯常的家庭崇拜,信心的寻求过神话语的生活,并且忠心地支持 教会的事工。我们相信家长保证他们的儿女得到真正的基督教徒教养是合适的。

Genesis 1:27, 28; Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:3-9; Mark 10:2-12; Ephesians 6:1, 4.


Article 16. Discipleship and Nonconformity

We believe that there are two opposing kingdoms to which men give their spiritual allegiance, that of Christ and that of Satan. Those who belong to Satan's kingdom live for sin and self, and refuse the obedience of faith. The kingdom of Christ is composed of those who have been born again and who have entered into, a faith union with the Lord Jesus Christ. In them the fruit of the Spirit is in evidence. They recognize the lordship of Christ, and perform all manner of good works. They seek for holiness of heart, life, and speech, and refuse any unequal yoke with unbelievers. They manifest only love toward those of. other races, cultures, and economic levels. They regard their bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit and crucify their flesh with its affections and lusts. They therefore avoid such things as harmful drugs, beverage alcohol, and tobacco. We believe that their adornment should be a beauty of spirit, expressed in attire that is modest, economical, simple, and becoming to those professing Christian faith. They should seek to be Christian in their stewardship of money and possessions. Their recreational life should be consistent with the Christian walk. Through the Spirit they should put off the old man and put on the new.

条款十六. 不一致与门徒训练

我们相信人们会把他们的灵性归附于两个相反的国度,就是基督的过度与撒旦的国度。那些属于撒旦国度的人,生活在罪恶和自我之中,并且拒绝信心的顺从。 基督的国度,确实由那些已经重生和与主基督耶稣有真正联合的人所组成。圣灵的果子在他们身上是显然易见的。他们认识到基督的主权,并且在各样事情上显出善行。 他们寻找在心里,在生命力,和在说活里的圣洁,与及拒绝不信者任何不相称的轭。他们认识到基督的主权,并且在各样事情上显出善行。他们向那些不同种族,文化, 和经济阶层的人显示爱心。他们尊重自己的身体为神灵的殿,也把他们的肉体和肉体的邪情私欲钉在十字架上。因此,他们逃避那些事物诸如毒品、酒精饮料、和烟草等。 我们相信他们的装饰应是一个美好的心灵,表达于衣服的佩戴是质朴的,经济的,简单的和承认基督信仰的。在金钱和物质方面,他们应该寻求做个基督的好管家。 在娱乐方面应不断地与基督徒同行。靠着圣灵,他们应要脱去旧人,穿上新人。

Matthew 7:13, 14; Luke 9:23-26; Romans 12:1, 2; 1 Corinthians 6:12, 19; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Galatians 5:22-24; Ephesians 4:20-32; Colossians 1:13; 1 Timothy 2.9, 10; 1 Peter 3:3, 4.

马太福音十章十三、十四节;路加福音九章二十三至二十六节;罗马书十二章一、二节;哥林多前书六章十二节、十九节;哥林多后书六章十四至十八节; 加拉太书五章二十二至二十四节;以弗所书四章二十至三十三节;歌罗西书一章十三节;提摩太前书二章九节;彼得前书三章三。四节。

Article 17. Christian Integrity

We believe that it is a major Christian obligation to be strictly truthful and transparent in life and doctrine, with no secrecy or hypocrisy. The Lord Jesus Christ has forbidden to His followers the use of any and all oaths, because of the finite limitations of human beings, and the obligation always to speak the truth. In legal matters we therefore simply affirm the truth. We are opposed to membership in secret societies or lodges, because such membership would involve an unequal yoke with unbelievers, and because these organizations employ hierarchical titles, require oaths, stand for organized secrecy, and may offer salvation on grounds other than faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that it is in the church that we should find love, fellowship, and security.

条款十七. 整全的基督徒

我们相信基督徒的主要责任是在生活和信仰上极之诚实和光明,并且毫无隐瞒及虚假。主基督耶稣曾禁止他的门徒起任何誓,原因人类极其有限,而且有责任要时常说真话。 所以在合法事情上我们只管简单地坚认真理。我们反对作秘密会社的会员,因为那些会员资格促使与不信者同付一轭;这些组织也会用层压式的名术、要求起誓、为组织守秘、 或甚至在主基督耶稣的信心外提供救恩。我们相信我们在教会中应该可以找到爱心、团契和安全感。

Matthew 5:33-37; Matthew 23:7-10, 16-22; John 18:20; Acts 4:12; 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1; James 5:12.


Article 18. Love and Nonresistance

We believe that it is the will of God for His children to follow Christian love in all human relationships. Such a life of love excludes retaliation and revenge. God pours His love into the hearts of Christians so that they desire the welfare of all men. The supreme example of nonresistance is the Lord Jesus Himself. The teaching of Jesus not to resist him who is evil requires the renunciation by His disciples of all violence in human relations. Only love must be shown to all men. We believe that this applies to every area of life: to personal injustice, to situations in which people commonly resort to litigation, to industrial strife, and to international tensions and wars. As nonresistant Christians we cannot serve in any office which employs the use of force. Nor can we participate in military service, or in military training, or in the voluntary financial support of war. But we must aggressively, at the risk of life itself, do whatever we can for the alleviation of human distress and suffering.

条款十八. 不抵抗和爱心

我们相信神在他儿女身上的旨意是在所有人的人类关系上跟随基督的爱心而行。这是一个排除报复性和仇视性的爱心生命。神将他的爱浇灌在基督徒的心里, 以至他们顾念到全人类的利益。其实不抵抗的极端例子是主耶稣自己。至于耶稣的教训说不要与那作恶的对抗,他的门徒应该在人类关系中要求要求废弃所有的暴力, 并且单向众人显出爱心来。我们相信这个原则应用到生活上的每一个方面:就想个人不公平,通常人们靠赖诉讼的情况,工业斗争,甚至国际紧张和战争。 作为一个不抵抗的基督徒,我们不可应聘在任何使用武力的公司工作,或参加军事服务,或参加军事训练,或甘愿以经济支持战争。但我们必须前进地,甚至冒生命危险, 为人类的忧患和苦难尽力作出援和。

Matthew 5:38-48; John 18:36; Romans 5:5; Romans 12:18-21; 1 Corinthians 6:1-8; 2 Corinthians 10:3, 4; James 2:8; 1 Peter 2:23; 1 Peter 4:1.

马太福音五章三十八章至四十八节;约翰福音十八章三十六节;罗马书五章五节;十二章十八至二十一节;哥林多前书六章一至八节;哥林多后书十章三、四节; 雅各书二章八节;彼得前书二章二十三节;四章一节。

Article 19. The Christian and the State

We believe that the state is ordained of God to maintain law and order. We seek to obey the New Testament commands to render honor to the authorities, to pay our taxes, to obey all laws which do not conflict with the higher law of God, and to pray for our rulers. The church should also witness to, the authorities of God's redeeming love in Christ, and of His sovereignty over all men. In law enforcement the state does not and cannot operate on the nonresistant principles of Christ's kingdom. Therefore, nonresistant Christians cannot undertake any service in the state or in society which would violate the principles of love and holiness as taught by Christ and His inspired apostles.

条款十九. 基督徒与国家

我们相信国家被神认命去维持法律和秩序。我们寻求遵行新约的命令去尊重有权柄的,去纳税,去遵守一切不违背神更高规则的法律,也为我们的掌权者祷告。 教会更应向政府见证神在基督里救赎的爱,和他对全人类的统治。国家在法律强逼之下往往不能实行基督国度里的不抵抗原则,所以作为不抵抗的基督徒,是不 能担任那些与爱心及圣洁原则违背的工作,无论那是国家或社会的服务,我们都应听从基督和受他感示的使徒所教训的。

Acts 4:19; 5:29; Romans 13:1-7; Ephesians 1:20-22; Ephesians 5:23; 1 Timothy 2:1, 2.


Article 20. The Final Consummation

We believe that in addition to the physical order with which our senses are related, there also exists an eternal spiritual order, the realm of God, of Christ, of the Holy Spirit, of the angels, and of the church triumphant. We believe that at death the righteous enter at once into conscious joy and fellowship with Christ, while the wicked are in a state of conscious suffering. The church militant lives and witnesses in this present evil world, a world in which apostasy from God is to become even more pronounced. The church also looks forward with hope to the day of the Lord, to the personal return of Christ, and the glorious future of the kingdom of God. In His triumphant Second Coming Christ will judge Satan, and usher in the consummation of all things. His coming will introduce the resurrection, the transformation of the living saints, the judgment of the just and the unjust, and the fulfillment of His glorious reign. He will deliver the kingdom to God the Father, cleanse the world by fire, create new heavens and a new earth, consign unbelievers to eternal punishment, and usher His children into the eternal bliss of the world to come

条款二十. 最后的成全

我们既相信我们的身体秩序与感官有关,同样也存在着永恒的属灵次序,那领域就父神,基督,圣灵,天使和教会的胜利。我们相信义人死后一次进入有知觉的换了并与基督团契, 而恶人却在有知觉的状况下受苦。教会在现今邪恶的世界中要有得胜的生活和见证,因为这世界会越来越背叛神。教会更应仰望主的日子,就是基督个人的再来和神国降 临的荣耀。当基督得胜的第二次再临,他将要审判撒旦,并引导万物得以最后成全。主的再来会引入死人复活、活着的圣徒身体改变,义和不义的审判,与及他荣耀统治的 应验。他会把国交与父神,以火洁净世界,创造新天新地,将不信的交付永刑,并引导他的儿女进入将来的永福里。

Daniel 12:2; Matthew 25:34, 41; Mark 9:43-48; Luke 16:22, 23; John 5:22; 1 Corinthians 15:24, 35-58; 2 Corinthians 5:14; Philippians 1:23; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:4; 1 Peter 1:4; 2 Peter 3:3-13; Revelation 15:3; Revelation 21:4; Revelation 22:3.

但以理书十二章二节;马太福音二十五章三十四、四十一节;马可福音九章四十三至四十八节;路加福音十六章二十二、二十三节;约翰福音五章二十二节; 哥林多前书十五章二十四节、三十五至五十八节;哥林多后书五章一至四节;腓立比书一章二十三节;帖撒罗尼迦前书四章十三至五章四节;彼得前书一章四节; 彼得后书三章三至十三节;启示录十五章三节;二十一章四节;二十二章三节。

May God enable us all to attain His eternal kingdom prepared for us from the foundation of the world, that with His blessed Son we may enjoy fullness of life for ever and ever.
